Human Design is a new system of self-knowledge that differs fundamentally from anything else that exists in the world today.
It is not built on belief or faith but is a logical, empirical system which offers you the opportunity to experiment with its mechanics and find out for yourself if it works for you.
It shows you a concrete map of your own nature and provides you with simple tools for how to be yourself and eliminate resistance in your life. Human Design offers you the opportunity to discover yourself and begin to understand and accept your very nature.
A Synthesis
The Human Design System is a synthesis of two streams of science, traditional and modern.
The traditional sciences - astrology both eastern and western, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, the Zohar or Kabbalah, and most importantly of all, the I’Ching, the Book of Changes - these are the traditional elements in the synthesis that is Human Design, and combined with the modern science of reading the genetic code, this offers you profound insight into how you are designed to navigate the material world.
What are Rave Charts ?
Human Design uses your birth data to calculate your design chart, or Bodygraph, which determines your Type and Definition, the key components of the system.
The chart provides you with the simple mechanics of Strategy and Authority to experiment with, in order to live and discover your individual and differentiated nature.
By simply grasping the surface mechanic, you will have a grounding in this life that is immediately going to bring a difference to your process.
The irony of what it is to be a human being is that we are caught at the surface of understanding and accepting our nature and the cosmos around us. It doesn't matter how intelligent we are, there is a vast underlying ignorance of how our bodies operate.
Be a passanger
We are passengers in these bodies. We are a passenger consciousness experiencing the life.
Buddha taught that the body is not yours. It is not, yet we are totally dependent on it.
To learn how to operate in alignment with your own nature immediately brings benefits; this is the moment that you get what is right for you, along with the right relationships, career, environment, and so forth.
In acting on it, in experimenting with its logic, you may discover a remarkable experience of finding and ultimately living your purpose and seeing the beauty of what life holds for you.
We invite you to see what your Human Design chart can reveal about you.
A holistic view of the world

All living beings are part of a single holistic field and therefore all of us continually interact with each other and the world around us. We are not separate but are part of the whole. We are connected to the whole by tiny particles called neutrinos and we are connected to the other by aura, the invisible energy field that surrounds each of us.
If we see ourselves as separate from our environment and those around us, it is easy to assume that the way we interact and communicate is something that we can control or that can happen or not, according to our will. That every decision we make is up to us and is made independently from our environment. This is not the case.

We are each part of the whole, but we are also unique. We each bring our own brand of uniqueness to the other and the world around us. This is our gift to the whole. Being different from the other, we bring something new into the world.
When we are simply part of the homogenized world, we do this in order to fit in. Our true nature does not get to express itself and this can make our life very painful and uncomfortable. This also inevitably leads to all kinds of wrong decisions. We need to acknowledge that we all have different requirements and needs. To understand your own unique nature is the first step towards self love and fulfillment.

Human Design uses your birth data to calculate your rave chart, also known as your Bodygraph. This is based on the science of Neutrinos, tiny particles that carry mass and information and which determine your unique imprinting.
We live in a dense neutrino ocean with trillions of neutrinos originating from the stars in our solar system. They pass through everything leaving an imprint of information wherever they travel.
The Synthesis

The Human Design System is a synthesis of two streams of science, traditional and modern. The traditional Sciences: Astrology, the Chakra system, the Kabbalah and most importantly, the I’Ching, the Book of Changes - these are the traditional elements in the synthesis that is Human Design.
Combined with the modern science of reading the genetic code, this offers you a profound insight into how you are designed to navigate the material world.
How does it work?

We all have unique ways of how we take in and filter energy from the outside. We also ‘emit’ energy outwards, which is how we impact the other. The Human Design Mandala shows us the map of all the possible ways that we can be imprinted. From this large range of possibilities, we each carry a set amount of characteristics. It is these unique imprints that allow us to experience the world in our own way and determine how we operate.
Human Design uses your birth data (the date, time and place of birth) to calculate your Rave Chart, or Bodygraph. Through an analysis of this chart you can see different aspects of yourself: What is fixed and reliable within you. Where you are open and potentially sensitive and vulnerable. It offers tools and strategies how to operate and how to make healthy decisions in your life.

What is reliable and consistent
“The Student”
What we experience from outside
“Where the Student goes to School”
What drives us

Life is energy in motion, and as Human Beings were are always being driven by two main elements.
The Genetic Imperative
The first is the Genetic Imperative. As humans we are ruled by the genetic imperative, which is always attracting us to what we are not, or to what is different from us. This is healthy for our species as a whole and guarantees our survival. From a Human Design perspective though, this means that we are less interested in what we are, than in what we are not. We focus on what we are not instead of living out what we are. It also means that we are being driven by our genetics and not by our awareness. What we are attracted to is not necessarily what is the most healthy for us.
Secondly, we are all driven by the need to express and manifest our own nature. There is an old saying, ‘All roads lead to Rome’. In the case of Human Design, Rome is represented by the Throat Center, the place where we can express ideas and concepts, and where we manifest action.
Everything inside of us is always moving towards the throat, looking for a way to express and act. But not everyone has direct access to the throat in their Design, so we become dependent on others and the conditioning field of the world around us in order to express ourselves and/or take action. This can be both a healthy or unhealthy process, it all depends on our level of awareness and how we enter into that relationship.

So how do we know if we have the right people in our lives? If we are living out our unique nature or getting trapped by our desire to be like those around us? How do we know if we are being driven by our genetic imperative or by awareness, by our own need to express ourselves and to act? We can find the answer to this through living ‘our authority’, which is determined by your design chart.
This authority is the place inside of us that knows if something is correct or not for us. There are different kinds of authorities: Some of us have emotional authority which means we need to ride the wave of our emotions in order to come to a place of truth. This kind of authority takes time.
Others have intuitive or instinctual authority and know in an instant whether something is good for them or not, but they have to listen and hear in the moment. These are just two examples of the different kinds of authorities that are found in the human design system. The important element here is that we do not have ‘mental authority’. We are not here to make decisions with our minds. Our mind is a great tool to gather information, analyze a process or come up with an idea, and it is helpful in guiding others, but it is not designed to be the authority in our lives.
The four Types
Our unique authority is something that is expressed through our ‘Strategy’. And each of us has a strategy, which is a direct consequence of our Type. In Human Design there are 4 different Types and each of these 4 Types has a unique strategy for decision-making.

Manifestors are energy types. They always have the capacity to initiate and to act and they don’t need anyone’s help doing it. They are energetically designed to be closed to the other and in fact their energy repels or acts as a barrier to the outside world in order to protect their independence. It is this energy type (which only makes up roughly 9% of the population) that has become our cultural ideal of how to be in the world. We have all been told one time or another to go out and make things happen, to manifest our intentions, and so on. However, this type of independent action is exclusive to Manifestors. And in actual fact, when we have a Manifestor in our lives, we resist their natural capacity to act because we are both afraid of their independence and how we are impacted by their actions. When Manifestors act, they always impact those around them and each action creates a ripple of effects. In order to eliminate the resistance that Manifestors meet from those around them they have a strategy, which is to first Inform before they act. This simple act of informing builds trust and paves the way for them to move freely and without resistance. When a Manifestor is not living out their true nature they are always dealing with Anger as a theme. However, when they begin to understand themselves and inform before they act, this anger turns to Peace.

Generators and their sub-type Manifesting Generators, make up roughly 70% of the population, by far the largest Type group. Like Manifestors, Generators are also energy types however their energy works differently. They are not here to initiate but to wait for the world to come to them, so they can respond. They are energetically designed just for this and they have open and enveloping auras always ready to take in who and what is there for them. once they respond to a person, event or action, they can then act with the full force of their power. Generators are the great builders. They have a tremendous amount of energy, but they need to use this energy correctly in order not to be enslaved by it. A generator who is out in the world making things happen will meet tremendous resistance. By learning to Respond to what comes to them they can begin to eliminate this resistance and the frustration that comes from not living a life that honors their true nature. only then will they experience satisfaction.

Projectors are non-energy types and make up roughly 20% of the population. Unlike Manifestors and Generators, they are not here ‘to do’. As Generators are the great builders, Projectors are the great guides and they are here to help the other types (and particularly Generators) manage their energy. Energetically Projectors absorb and take in the other in a very focused way. They are here to be recognized and to recognize the potential in those around them. The strategy for a projector is to wait for the correct invitation. It is that invitation, the one that recognizes their unique potential, which calls out the power of the projector. When a projector tries to push the river and make life happen for them, they meet resistance and this resistance can leave them with a bitter taste.
The true goal for a projector is success, and not bitterness, but this can only be achieved when they are being recognized for who they are.

Reflectors are unique among all the other types in that they are not fixed in the way they emit energy. They are very open to the world around them. They make up a very small percentage of the population, only approximately 1%. Their gift is to be able to take in and reflect the energy of their companions, their tribe and their world. Given their extreme openness, they are naturally protected energetically to be resistant and to sample the energy around them. The strategy for a reflector is one that requires patience. For them to make clear and healthy decisions they need to wait out the cycle of the moon, approximately 28.5 days. When a reflector is not living as themselves they can live a life plagued by disappointment as they are so deeply linked to the energy of the other. However, the goal for them is not to be disappointed by the world but to be surprised by it and all that it has to offer.

Ra Uru Hu is the founder and messenger of the Human Design System.
He was born as Alan (Robert) Krakower in Montreal, Canada on April 9, 1948.
He disappeared in 1983 and re-emerged as Ra Uru Hu on the Island of Ibiza, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea, in January 1987.
It was then when he began a process of mystical deconstruction climaxing with his encounter with the "Voice", an intelligence that was far superior to anything he had ever experienced.
This encounter lasted for eight days and nights from January 3-11, 1987.
Ra dedicated the last 25 years of his life to educating people about themselves, teaching everyone how to live a healthy life, make the right decisions and be aware.
Ra Uru Hu passed away on March 12, 2011. Jovian Archive is the official archive of his works.
The Human Design System according to Ra

Human Design is a new system of self-knowledge that differs fundamentally from anything else that exists in the world today.
It is not built on belief or faith but is a logical, empirical system which offers you the opportunity to experiment with its mechanics and find out for yourself if it works for you.
It shows you a concrete map of your own nature and provides you with simple tools for how to be yourself and eliminate resistance in your life. Human Design offers you the opportunity to discover yourself and begin to understand and accept your very nature.
A Synthesis
The Human Design System is a synthesis of two streams of science, traditional and modern.
The traditional sciences - astrology both eastern and western, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, the Zohar or Kabbalah, and most importantly of all, the I’Ching, the Book of Changes - these are the traditional elements in the synthesis that is Human Design, and combined with the modern science of reading the genetic code, this offers you profound insight into how you are designed to navigate the material world.
What are Rave Charts ?
Human Design uses your birth data to calculate your design chart, or Bodygraph, which determines your Type and Definition, the key components of the system.
The chart provides you with the simple mechanics of Strategy and Authority to experiment with, in order to live and discover your individual and differentiated nature.
By simply grasping the surface mechanic, you will have a grounding in this life that is immediately going to bring a difference to your process.
The irony of what it is to be a human being is that we are caught at the surface of understanding and accepting our nature and the cosmos around us. It doesn't matter how intelligent we are, there is a vast underlying ignorance of how our bodies operate.
Be a Passenger
We are passengers in these bodies. We are a passenger consciousness experiencing the life.
Buddha taught that the body is not yours. It is not, yet we are totally dependent on it.
To learn how to operate in alignment with your own nature immediately brings benefits; this is the moment that you get what is right for you, along with the right relationships, career, environment, and so forth.
In acting on it, in experimenting with its logic, you may discover a remarkable experience of finding and ultimately living your purpose and seeing the beauty of what life holds for you.
We invite you to see what your Human Design chart can reveal about you.
휴먼디자인은 점성학의 황도대와 같은 요소들을 사용하지만, 휴먼디자인 내에서는 다르게 해석된다.바깥의 바퀴는 주역의 64괘로 구성됩니다. 각각의 헥사그램은 에너지의 원형을 나타내며, 또한 바로 우리의 유전자 코드, DNA의 64코돈과 연결된다.
위와 같이 아래도 그러하다. 만다라의 한가운데 있는 것이 바디그래프이다.
만약, 당신이 물병자리에 태어났고 태양은 13번째 괘에 있다고 한다면, 그 태양은 당신의 정의가 될 것이며, 당신 퍼스널리티의 태양으로서 G 센터 내의 13번째 게이트가 정의된다.
휴먼디자인은 몇몇 고대의 전통과 현대의 과학 법칙의 요소들이 결합되어 만들어졌다. 여기에는 도교(타오이즘)의 주역, 카발라의 생명나무, 힌두교(힌디즘)의 차크라시스템, 점성학의 다양한 시스템과 천문학, 물리학과 분자생물학이 포함되어 있다.
만다라의 중심에 있는 바디그래프는 인간의 육체를 표현한다.
바디그래프에는 9개의 센터와 36개의 채널, 64개의 게이트가 있습니다.
센터는 우리 몸의 에너지의 허브이며, 힌두 전통(요가)의 7차크라시스템과는 다릅니다.여기에는 9개의 센터가 있습니다. 각각의 센터는 특정 타입의 에너지를 나타내며 우리 몸 내의 특정 기능과 관련되어 있습니다.
정의(와미정의)된 센터는 우리가 누구인지 결정하는데 큰 영향을 미칩니다.
우리의 타입, 그리고 이것과 관련된 전략은 정의된(색칠된) 바디그래프 내의 센터와 그것이 어떻게 연결되는지에 따라 결정됩니다.
바디그래프의 왼쪽과 오른쪽에 놓여있는 두개의 기둥은 태양, 달, 달의 남북노드와 행성의 위치들을 표현한다.붉게 표현된 왼쪽기둥은 인간의 디자인(인간의 정의된 무의식)이며 검은 오른쪽 기둥은 인간의 퍼스널리티(인간의 정의된 의식)이다.
정의된 인간의 퍼스널리티는 인간이 의식적으로 깨달을수 있는 것들을 표현한다. 인간이 자기자신에 대해 생각하는 것들이다.
것을 알고 있다. 반면 디자인은, 무의식적 경향들로, 우리의 무의식이며, 보통 타인들이 우리에게 가르쳐주어 알수 있게 되는 것들이다.
퍼스널리티는 휴먼디자인의 길이며 디자인은 터널과 같다. 우리는 길이 어디로 이어지는지는 알수 있지만 터널이 어디로 뻗어 있는지에 대해서는 알기 힘든다. 디자인과 퍼스널리티는 게이트나 연결된 채널을 정의한다.이것은 땅 밑의 터널과 길이 연결된 것과 같다. 디자인과 퍼스널리티는 결합하여 우리 삶의 이중성의 두 기초를 세운다.따라서 인간은 자기가 생각하는 대로만의 자신은 아닌 것이다...